
hi, i'm werdl. i enjoy programming, electronics, and maths. i'm also a fan of the command line and open source software. i enjoy writing low-level, systems, networking and embedded software. i'm currently studying computer science.

stuff i know


i know extensive c, python and v. i also know a lot of rust, and a fair bit of javascript and other web tech.


i'm very familiar with linux (and other *nix systems), git and vscode. i use bash, powershell (not 6, only on windows when forced!) and msys2/mingw64. i also know a fair amount of neovim, and the obligatory amount of straight *nix vi. i have used arduino and other microcontroller platforms quite a lot, and am familiar with logisim evolution and circuitry.


i enjoy using flask, and other similar web frameworks, for example tide for rust. i also like serde for rust. obviously i am familiar with all the needed standard libraries. i also have written a fair few frameworks and libraries myself, mainly in rust and python.

stuff i want to know


i want to learn more about haskell, and other functional languages. i also want to learn more about zig and maybe nim.


i want to know more about docker and similar.


i want to learn more about webassembly and the tools surrounding it.

who i am

i am werdl, a computer geek.

things i enjoy

programming, networking, linux, *nix, open source, low-level stuff, embedded development, systems programming, physics, electronics, maths, chemistry, cats, and yoghurt.

things i don't enjoy

windows, macos, proprietary software, javascript, large corporations, and large dogs.

a little about me

i am a computer science student, and have been programming for a little over 5 years.

projects i have authored

i have written a fair few projects, almost all of which are open source.


email me at werdl_is_cool@outlook.com