note that these color choices/themes persist across pages, and refreshes
- l - toggle local mode and switch source
- t - toggle theme
- n - reset text color to default
- h - toggle help
- g - toggle github link
- x - use custom color (hex or name)
- o - toggle opacity
- s - manually sync to server
- d - get the difference between your computer and the server
- a - aqua
- b - blue
- c - cyan
- g - green
- i - indigo
- m - magenta
- p - purple
- r - red
- v - violet
- y - yellow
how it works
every second, it calibrates the time difference between your computer and the server, and then every 10ms, if instantiates a new Date object, and adds the time difference to it
thanks to uimaxbai/downloadfirefox - find him here on github - for the project idea