Player Data

How to customise items held by user, user stats etc

  • all player data is stored in the game save file, a serialized Player instance
  • therefore, by editing it after saving and before loading, you can customise the player's stats, items, and keys

player stats

  • the player has 3 stats: health, attack, and defense
  • these are all integers
  • to edit, change the health, attack, and defense fields in the Player struct (at top level of the json file)


  • items are stored in the items_held field of the Player struct
  • to add an item, add a new item to the items_held array
  • to remove an item, remove the item from the items_held array


  • keys are stored in the keys_held field of the Player struct
  • these can be added and removed in the same way as items


  • battles are stored in the battles field of the Player struct
  • this is an array of Battle structs
  • to add a battle, add a new battle to the battles array
  • to remove a battle, remove the battle from the battles array

current room

  • the current room is stored in the current_room field of the Player struct
  • this is a Room struct

game name

  • the game name is stored in the game_name field of the Player struct
  • exactly why you would want to change this is beyond me, but you can, I guess