you need to have cargo installed (which comes with rust)
to do this, run the following command in your terminal:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
this downloads the latest rust installer, then pipes it to your shell to run it
follow the instructions in the installer (if you don't know what to do, just press enter)
after the installer is done, you need to restart your terminal (by closing it and opening a new one, or by running exec <your shell>), or by running the following command:
to install gext, run the following command in your terminal:
cargo install gext
this downloads the latest version of gext from, then compiles and installs it
then, assuming the installation of rust modified your path, you can run the game with the following command:
gext [OPTIONS]
if the installation of rust did not modify your path, you can run the game with the following command:
~/.cargo/bin/gext [OPTIONS]
if you are not using *nix, replace ~/.cargo/bin/gext with the path to the gext binary (which should be in the bin directory of the cargo installation directory, on windows, this is usually C:\Users\<your username>\.cargo\bin\gext.exe)
if you are using *nix, you can add the bin directory of the cargo installation directory to your path by running the following command: